Captain Aarohi Pandit, 23-year-old pilot from Mumbai, India became the world's first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean solo in a Light Sports Aircraft (LSA). Her journey was broken into five legs, with stops at Iceland and Greenland. It made Aarohi the first female pilot in the world to successfully complete a solo flight across the Greenland ice cap in an LSA. Aarohi is flying around the globe as part of the WE! Women Empower Expedition; the expedition is the first all-women team to circumnavigate the world in LSA. Her aircraft Mahi’ is a tiny, single-engine Sinus 912 weighing a little of 400 kg or nearly equivalent to a Bullet motorcycle, and is the first LSA registered by India’s DGCA. The aircraft’s cockpit was equipped with a raft, oxygen and other safety gear for the Atlantic crossing. Great. Join with me to congratulate Aarohi and wish her all success. #copied
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